
my country's textile industry is developing steadily and progressing towards the high-endTime:2020-08-20 Browse:0

Gao Yanmin, Director of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, said at the “2018 China Textile Innovation Annual Conference” on the 11th that China’s textile industry is showing a steady and progressive development trend, with long-term good industrial economic fundamentals and continuous The innovative transformation promoted has become a ballast and power source that stabilizes expectations and boosts confidence. China Textile will deepen the "three-product" strategy and advance the industry to the mid-to-high end.

According to reports, after 40 years of reform and opening up, China’s textile industry has achieved groundbreaking development. At the same time, it has reached a new historical juncture where the situation is more complicated and the challenges are more difficult. As one of China’s highly open, international, and market-oriented industrial sectors, the textile industry urgently needs to clarify changes, assess the situation, comply with the requirements of the times, and further accelerate the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading in the international competition of global economic integration , Continuously improve the value innovation capability of the industry, and make every effort to promote the transformation of the industry from large to strong.

Gao Yanmin pointed out that in the face of a stable and changing environment, the textile industry must implement the “three-product” strategy of increasing varieties, improving quality, and creating brands, with supply-side structural reform as the main line, and improving the quality of the supply system as the main direction. The intensity of the optimization of the industrial structure, focusing on making up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, creating new advantages, and advancing the textile industry to mid-to-high end. By strengthening innovation drive, actively transforming growth momentum, and speeding up the construction of various innovative application demonstration platforms and textile industry innovation systems. Adhere to an open mind, make full use of innovative resources in both domestic and international markets, attach importance to introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation, and attach importance to intellectual property protection.

Sun Ruizhe, President of China National Textile and Apparel Council, made the keynote report "The New Pattern of Great Changes: Trends and Prospects". He pointed out that under the new situation, China's textile industry has accelerated its transition to a high-quality development track and has become the backbone of maintaining stable economic operations, and its internal structure, operation logic and value model have undergone profound adjustments. He emphasized that it is necessary to adapt to changes, deepen industrial innovation with quality as the core, and strengthen foreign cooperation with openness as the guide.

At the "2018 China Textile Innovation Annual Conference" hosted by the China National Textile and Apparel Council, the award ceremony of "China Textile Fabric Fashion Trend Research and Release Alliance Enterprise" and the award ceremony of "2018 China Textile Industry Industrial Design Center" were also held. And the "Cultivation and Promotion of Top Ten Textile Innovative Products in 2018" and the "2018 China National Textile and Apparel Council Product Development Contribution Award" award ceremony.